- ~における例外{れいがい}
exceptions to something 意味
- "exceptionally-reactive" 意味
- "exceptions abound" 意味
- "exceptions clause" 意味
- "exceptions may be made, for example, when students have earned the necessary credits at schools in other countries" 意味
- "exceptions occur, but not often enough to throw doubt on the validity of the principle" 意味
- "exceptis excipiendis" 意味
- "exceptive" 意味
- "exceptive clause" 意味
- "exceptive conjunctions" 意味
- "exceptions may be made, for example, when students have earned the necessary credits at schools in other countries" 意味
- "exceptions occur, but not often enough to throw doubt on the validity of the principle" 意味
- "exceptis excipiendis" 意味
- "exceptive" 意味